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February Is Pet Dental Health Month | Importance of Pet Dental Care

Dental health is essential for pets as it plays a part in their general health. Your pet should have their gums and teeth checked at least once a year. Doing so will help keep their oral health in check and detect early signs of health problems.

How Often Should My Pet Have a Wellness Exam?

To stay healthy, pets need regular wellness exams. As a pet owner, you are probably aware of this. However, do you know how often you should take your animal companion to a veterinarian? 

The Importance of a Pet Wellness Exam

Pet wellness exams are as important as any of your regular medical checkups. Your veterinarian can detect medical problems at an early stage before they become worse. Preventable diseases in pets are rising because pet owners are not taking their pets for regular visits to the vet.

5 Tips for Keeping Your Pets Safe During the Holidays

The holiday season is here, and with it are all the festivities and celebrations. Making plans, decorating the home, hosting guests, and everything that goes into the holiday festivities can be overwhelming.

How Can Neutering Help With Pet Behavioral Problems?

Neutering refers to the removal of an animal’s reproductive organs. The process involves general anesthesia. It not only removes the reproductive organs but also stops the hormones that may cause unwanted behavior. The only behavior neutering affects is those that are a result of hormones.

When Is the Right Time to Spay/Neuter My Pet?

Determining the right time to spay or neuter your pet is a question that many pet parents continue to ask. Opinions seem to be varied even as the surgery becomes more acceptable. In recent years, animal shelter groups and those involved in animal rescue have been advocating for earlier surgery.

When Should I Get My Pet Vaccinated?

The first few months of a pet's life are the most crucial. During this time, they get to meet humans and interact with their surroundings. To ensure long and healthy pet life, you should make sure they are vaccinated following a proper schedule.

Your Complete Guide to First-Year Puppy Vaccinations

Your little puppy’s immune system helps guard it against disease-causing pathogens. Despite the efficiency of the immune system, some pathogens may overwhelm it. Most of these pathogens are unrecognizable to the immune system and cause illnesses. Vaccines help the immune system recognize pathogens and eliminate them.

June Is National Microchip Month

Millions of animals across the United States end up in shelters every year. Sadly, very few pet owners bother looking for or reclaiming their lost pets from such shelters. If you are afraid of losing your pet, you should consider having a microchip implanted to increase the chances of finding it.

Signs and Symptoms Your Pet Has Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is a condition that affects both humans and dogs. The illness is transmitted by ticks and if left untreated, it can cause serious health complications. The bacteria that cause the condition can be transmitted from one animal to another. Knowing the signs and symptoms can help you to protect your pet and it is vital for getting early treatment.

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